Calculations5s value, Average value, Daily average value, Monthly average value, Annual average value, Moving monthly average, Mass emissions, Daily mass emissions, Monthly mass emissions, Annual mass emissions, Daily counter, Monthly counter, Annual counter
TaskMARpems: Redundant emission monitoring for scrubber applications MARdiagnostics: Condition Monitoring for maritime analyzers MARlogger: GHG monitoring based on the emissions mass flow rate calculation
HostingMARpems: On-premise: DNV-certified maritime industrial PC MARdiagnostics: Off-premise: MARlogger: On-premise: DNV-certified maritime Industrial PC or virtual machine on the user's servers
Contract typeMARpems: Software MARdiagnostics: SaaS (Software as a Service) MARlogger: Software
Digital analyzer solutions
Our product finder helps you to search for suitable measuring devices, software or system components via product characteristics.
Step by step to more efficiency: Using tried-and-proven product solutions, we offer forward-thinking concepts for demanding measuring tasks - both in emission monitoring and for process measurement technology. Our digital analyzer solutions support data analysis, trend forecasting, and predictive maintenance. The result: more data transparency and a high plant availability for fast response options.
Clear and cost-efficient emissions data management
Environmentally relevant emissions must be continuously recorded and reliably checked. Their qualitative assessment over time is essential, since companies must adhere to limits and provide the authorities with full documentation. The MEAC300 offers continuous acquisition, evaluation, storage, and visualization, as well as transmission of emissions data for modern emissions data management. The measuring devices are connected both directly and via analog data acquisition units. It is also possible to integrate into distributed control systems.
Data transparency increases the availability through real time monitoring
Know today what will happen tomorrow: The Monitoring Box is a digital solution for continuous monitoring of the device and plant status as well as the application itself. Its combination of historical and real time data provides transparent insights into exceeded limit values and status changes. The data are analyzed to produce diagnostics, statistics and prognoses that allow predictive and needs-based maintenance. It also enables devices and plants to be operated in the high output range and resources to be employed efficiently. As a smart extension to our existing product solutions, the Monitoring Box in combination with the digital services increases the productivity of industrial applications in a targeted manner.
Maritime Suite: More transparency on the world’s oceans
Benefit from the experience of a leading manufacturer in maritime emission monitoring! Using the digital services in the Maritime Suite, the live data of the emission monitoring device of the ship can be combined with other data such as the position of the ship as well as ECA and local emission regulations. The result: tailored status messages, more transparency throughout your entire fleet, and an optimization of operating costs.
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A comprehensive portfolio for continuous emission monitoring. With future-orientated solutions tailored to the respective measuring task in your industry.
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